Strata website by LIVING.IO

Cookies ( top )

Living.io uses cookies (small text files placed on your device) to store your preferences and settings and enable you to sign-in.

We feel that use of cookies is a completely safe and anonymous choice to you, having you have a variety of tools to control cookies, including browser controls to block and delete cookies. Your browser and other choices may impact your experiences with our service.

Personal Data We Collect ( top )

When you create an account with us, we collect a minimal amount of data only in order to identify you and provide a level of protection to your account from theft or abuse. Your password is not stored in our site: we use a SHA3 New window hash of your password in order to validate it.

How We Use Personal Data ( top )

We do not share personal data with any other site or provider service without your explicit permission, and all data is either encrypted or stored as a hash in order to minimize risks to you.